Přestupní questy:
- CZ - Mafro
Všechny questy:
- CZ - forbidden-lands.sk
- EN - pmfun.com
- EN - l2.eogamer.com
- EN - l2vault.ign.com
- Jake questy delat
- Highlvl Questy
- Expeni pri questech
- Questy na sperky
- A weapon recept - informace
- Interlude Weapon - informace
- Heart of Pa'agrio
- Acts of Evil
- Gracia Epilogue - Dynasty Questy
*V závorce nebo u questu je uveden lvl.
Přestupní questy
První 19+
Druhý 39+
Třetí 76+
- Sorcerer (Archmage) - Saga of the Archmage
- Gladiator (Duelist) - Saga of the Duelist
- Shillien Elder (Shillien Saint) - Saga of the Shillien Saint
- Phantom Summoner (Spectral Master) - Saga of the Spectral Master
- Spellsinger (Mystic Muse) - Succession to Legend of Mystic Muse
- Prophet (Hierophant) - Succession to the Legend, Hierophant
- Bounty Hunter (Fortune Seeker) - Succession to the Legend, Fortune Seeker
- Inspector (Judicator) - Law Enforcement
- Ice Crystal - The Finest Ingredients - Part 1 (73+)
- Divine Stone - Magical Power of Water - Part 1 (74+) - ally Ketra lvl 2
- Divine Stone - Magical Power of Fire - Part 1 (74+) - ally Varka lvl 2
- Pristup k Magical Power of Water - Part 1 - Alliance with the Ketra Orcs - (74+)
- Pristup k Magical Power of Fire - Part 1 - Alliance with the Varkas Silenos - (74+)
Questy na získaní 60% receptů
- Weapon - Influx of Machines (46+)
- Dopnky - Supplier of Reagents (57+)
- Doplnky - Legacy of Insolence (59+)
- Jewelry a shieldy - Illegitimate Child of a Goddess (63+)
- Armor (DC, TM) - Exploration of Giants Cave part 1 (51+): by Kebulik, by Grran
- Armor (MJ, NM) - Exploration of Giants Cave part 2 (57+): by Kebulik, by Grran
- Robe (DC, MJ a NM) - Whisper of Dreams (56+): by Kebulik, by Grran
- Weapon - Let's Become a Royal Member & Kail's Magic Coin (55+) a pristupovy quest Coin of magic (40+)
- Sperky - Delivery of Special Liquor a Egg Delivery (68+)
- Sperky - The Finest Food (71+): by Kebulik, by Rinn
- Armory - Alliance with the Ketra Orcs, Alliance with the Varkas Silenos - (74+)
- Weapon - Relics Of The Old Empire (74+) a podquest Four Goblet(74+)
- Weapon - Gather the Flames (74+)
- S80 Recepty a party - Hellbound: Zvyšovaní levelu Caravan Relation (HB lvl)
Sublass a Noblesse questy
- Fate's Whisper (75+) a nasledujici quest Mimir's Elixir (75+)
- Path of a Noblesse, Possessor of a Precious Soul (podle casti: 50+, 60+ , 65+, 75+)
- Bauim - An Arrogant Search (60+)
- Lunargent, Hellfire Oil - Supplier of Reagents (57+)
Klanové questy
- Pursuit of Clan Ambition - Klan lvl 4
- A Clan's Reputation / The Clan's Prestige - Reputation points a diskuze k The Clan's Reputation
- Clan Oath - Apella clan armor
- To Lead and Be Led - D-grade clan armor
- To lead and be lead - problém s přijmutím a dalsi informace
Přístupové questy
- Bauim - An Arrogant Search (60+)
- Antharas - Audience with the Land Dragon (50+)
- Valakas - Into the Flame (60+)
- Pagan Temple - Truth Beyond the Gate / Truth Beyond the Gate Once More (73+)
- Hellbound - Path to Hellbound (78+)
Questy na získaní petů
- Vlk - Get a Pet (15+)
- Hatchling - Little Wings (35+)
- Strider - Hatching to Strider (45+)
Ostatní questy
- 1 - Let's Get Fishing Shots - fishing shoty
- 2 - Letters love
- 3 - Bring wolf pelts
- 10 - Jumble, Tumble, Diamont Fuss
- 15 - Grim collector
- 20 - Yoke Of The Past / In Search Of Fragments Of The Dimension - Acient Scroll / Dimensional Fragment
- 32 - Black Swan
- 35 - Temple champion (Hellbound)
- 37 - Shadow Fox I,II,III (Hellbound Q)
- 40 - Coin of magic - full jewelery, weapon, armor items
- 48 - 1,000 Years the End of Lamentation
- 50 - More Than Meets The Eye - transformace
- 52 - Plunder Their Supplies
- 60 - Heart in Search of Power
- 61 - A game of Cards
- 65 - In The Forgotten Village
- 65 - Delicious Top Choice Meat
- 68 - Shadow of Light
- 73 - Seekers of the Holy Grail - náhodně jedno z: EWS, EAS, 3,576,000 aden
- 75 - God Day To Fly by killerb, by styglar - transformation skill
- 75 - Collecting in the air
Neopakovatelné questy
- 20 - Ominous News
- 20 - Walk of Fate
- 40 - Status of the Beacon Tower
- 40 - A Special Order
- 46 - Pavel the Giant
- 60 - Svatební šaty
- 66 - Meeting With The Golden Ram
- 74 - Whereabouts of the Archaeologist
- 74 - Parcel Delivery
- 74 - Secret Meeting with Varka Silenos / Secret Meeting with Ketra Orcs
- 75 - Journey to Gracia
- 82 - Freya Quest Serie 82+ lvl - questy potrebne k pristupu k Freya
Quest na vyvolaní Raid Bossů - Part 2
- 73 - Daimon the White
- 73 - The Finest Ingredients
- 75 - Magical Power of Water
- 75 - Magical Power of Fire